Wroxton College Alumni

Wroxton College Virtual Lecture Series 2021


The friendships formed while at Wroxton, and the opportunities to immerse yourself in the academic offerings available through Wroxton College help to define the Wroxton Experience. Whether you are dreaming of visiting Wroxton soon, feel a bit nostalgic for your former glory days in Oxfordshire, or simply just looking to learn something new, register for our Wroxton College Virtual Lecture Series.

Four of your favorite faculty members. Five different lecture topics.  While this first-ever Wroxton College Virtual Lecture Series is offered at no charge, it is a fundraiser for the Wroxton College Now & Forever Fund.  A $100 minimum donation is strongly encouraged (and sincerely appreciated.)


baldwin-nicholasLecture 1: The Role of the Monarchy in Britain Today
Dr. Nicholas DJ Baldwin, Dean and Director of Operations, Wroxton College
The lecture outlines the evolutionary development of the position of the Monarch in Britain and, in that context, analyses the role of the Monarch with regard to contemporary British Government and politics.

morris-angelaLecture 2: The NHS: Who’s Afraid of Socialised Medicine?
Dr. Angela Morris, Lecturer, Wroxton College
On the 5th July 1948 the National Health Service was formed to provide healthcare free at the point of use to everyone in Britain. Aneurin Bevan, the Minister of Health who oversaw its formation said, ‘[i]t will last as long as there are folk left with the faith to fight for it.’ Today it is as beloved as it was in 1948. In this session we will explore how a National Health Service came to be formed and why it is held in such reverence.

davies-lindaLecture 3: Post Pandemic Leadership
Dr. Linda Lee-Davies, Lecturer, Wroxton College
Much change was already underway before the pandemic – demographic change, social change, technological change, attitude change The pandemic has acted as a catalyst speeding this up, causing a revolution in the way we need to lead from here on in. Leaders now need to be more flexible on the choices of how we work, where we work, with whom we work.

hart-wendyLecture 4: William Hogarth (1697-1764) and the Birth of Satire
Wendy Hart, Lecturer, Wroxton College
The British are noted for their dry sense of humour and irony. William Hogarth (1697-1764), often called 'the Father of British art', brought a sense of social conscience and awareness to the British public of the injustices witnessed in the 18th century. Through his 'comic moral tales', which appealed to all social levels in Britain and abroad, he freed British art from foreign dominance and became one of the best loved artists of his time; his influence extending beyond his death through the works of James Gillray and Thomas Rowlandson to political and social commentators in the 21st century.

baldwin-nicholasLecture 5: Winston Churchill: The Greatest Briton?
Dr. Nicholas DJ Baldwin, Dean and Director of Operations, Wroxton College
Churchill is an icon of modern history. Active on the political stage for more than 60 years, he is internationally remembered as the man who stood up to Hitler, defeated the Nazis and, in doing so, saved civilization from tyranny. But had it not been for the Second World War, he might have been remembered – if remembered at all – as a failure. The lecture looks at the many facets of the man to determine if he is indeed the greatest Briton.

These lectures are offered at no charge, but a minimum donation of $100 is strongly encouraged, and greatly appreciated. Thanks to the generosity of several donors, they have agreed to match the dollars raised (up to $5,500) through the Lecture Series. All gifts, that's 100% of your donation, will go to support the Wroxton College Now & Forever Fund. Your donation is tax-deductible eligible to the fullest extent allowed by law.