Wroxton College Alumni

Wroxton Abbey Pinched

Welcome Home to Wroxton

Since its founding in 1965, Wroxton College has provided students, alumni and friends with the experience of living and learning in the 17th-century Jacobean mansion known as Wroxton Abbey. Students at the Abbey are, literally, immersed in its long rich history, which makes it an ideal for those studying history, politics, and literature, as well as for those wishing to visit and experience the culture and history of England and the explore historic and picturesque landscape of the College.

It is, without question, an enormously valuable learning experience. But it is, also, so much more. Student after student, whether visitng for a week or studying for a term, describes the Wroxton experience as life changing.

As a Wroxton alumnus/a, you know how unique and extraordinary the Wroxton experience is. As a student or guest at our beloved Abbey, you were steeped in a quintessential English village, set in the rural heart of England. You roamed Wroxton's peaceful environs, learning against the beautiful country backdrop of lawns, lakes, gardens and woodland. You helped the College to become the intellectual community that it remains today, cloistered in a remarkably beautiful, modernized 17th-century manor house.

Stay connected with Wroxton College, your classmates and your favorite Wroxton staff. Join us at an upcoming Wroxton event; volunteer with the Wroxton Advisory Committee or Class Ambassador Program; give back by making a gift to the Wroxton Now and Forever Fund or to student scholarships, or join us on our annual Wroxton Summer Getaway trip to the Abbey. There are many opportunities for you to continue your Wroxton Experience long after your first visit.

Wroxton Stained Glass Crest
Wroxton Students at Stonehenge
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Wroxton Students Studying in Library